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Outstanding Selection of Canvases!

Expert Thread Consulting

I have been the enthusiastic owner of The Point of It All since 2007! The shop has been in business since the 1970s. As a native Washingtonian, I actually grew up going to The Point of It All! I learned to needlepoint at age 8 when I offered to help my mother with my own Christmas stocking. I should point out that my mother finished the stocking without any help from me and also took me to the shop to pick out my first canvas. Who could have foreseen that 20 years later, my husband, Chris, and I would own that very same shop?! Our children, Betsy and Jack, love to stop by to help re-stock fibers or update the computers–it is truly a family business though Eddie the shop dog doesn’t contribute quite as much as the rest of the family!
I am lucky to have wonderful support in the form of the lovely, capable, and creative ladies who work at the shop. Anytime you email us, you will likely be in contact with Bettina, shop manager par excellence! The ladies, who categorically refuse to be pictured on the website, are simply the best!
XO, Susan
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