Ciao Bella Nursery Canvas

Confession: yesterday I did The Thing that I ask customers not to do. I stitched an area on my canvas and wasn't sure if it looked good. But instead of stopping and evaluating, I KEPT ON STITCHING! For crying out loud, why didn't I stop?! I wasn't thrilled with the color and yet I carried on. Now I'm going to have to rip out a big area. What a naughty stitcher!

Ciao Bella Nursery Canvas Ciao Bella Nursery Canvas
The area in question is the yellow blanket in the bassinet...I think the yellow looks mucky and dirty when I went over the blue. I know it's hard to see in a photo. This canvas is a Ciao Bella design...that line is now represented by CBK Needlepoint Collections but I believe this specific canvas is discontinued. Bummer; it's adorable! I've changed the colors some so it looks more like the fabrics in my nursery. I've also had a lot fun with decorative stitches. More on that later. Do you think the yellow looks okay or shall I rip it out? Be very careful when ripping out...I use a combination of a needle to lift the stitch and sharp scissors to snip. Never use a seam ripper. It leads to going nuts and slicing your canvas. Repairs of that magnitude are problematic. Keep calm and stitch on! Susan