Isn't Miss Betsy adorable in pink leopard (of course!) needlepoint booties?! Laurie Bloch, stitcher extraordinaire and one of Betsy's POIA Aunties, stitched these little shoes as a baby present. Laurie has been teaching needlepoint lessons and working at the shop for more than 25 years. She enjoys stitching lots and lots of canvases for her darling grandchildren, Leo and Sadie. If you need a needlepoint lesson or even a little refresher, we will put you in touch with Laurie! Private lessons are $40 and can be scheduled at a mutually-convenient time at the shop. She will also be running a week-long needlepoint camp for kids this summer; email me for details.
If you are in the market for custom booties, or custom anything really, we're your shop! We work with a marvelous custom artist who can translate your idea into a spectacular canvas. Email me!
Happy stitching,