Four days until my due date! Here is a look at all the needlepoint I've done for the baby's room. There is a definite possibility (okay, make that a 100% certainty) that I've gone overboard with the stitching. We have a saying in my family: "Anything worth doing is worth overdoing!" No truer words have been spoken! (Could that be a new canvas for the Susan Battle Needlepoint line?! I think YES!)
Some of these canvases are from Silver Needle(Babar, Celeste, Paddington, Pooh, Peter Rabbit, and Pat the Bunny. Curious George, Where the Wild Things Are, Lyle, Lyle Crocodile, and Eloise were custom painted. I painted Madeline and Clifford myself! Each canvas has a different background stitch, which made stitching so much fun! I made a crib mobile out of these rubber duckies from Jenny Henry Designs. She may have discontinued this line of duckies. Here is the finished Ciao Bella pillow (see this On Point blog post). Note that I've also put in an OTT Lite in the nursery! Darling pillow from Birds of a Feather--a special thanks to Birds of a Feather owner Danielle for sending the canvas as a baby present! Note this canvas also comes in other color ways. I made the night-light on my own--just vertical stripes that echo the crib dust skirt. Lovingly stitched by Laurie Bloch, a good friend of mine and long time Point of It All Girl! Sweet Laurie also stitched pink leopard print booties! O.M.G. they are unbelievable! You know how much I adore animal print...I hope my daughter does too! A special thanks to my friend and decorator extraordinaire, Sally Steponkus, for all her interior design expertise. Be sure to check out her website! Thanks for looking at all these pictures! I've had a marvelous time stitching these pieces and I hope they inspire you to incorporate (lots of) needlepoint in your home! Happy stitching, Susan PS I know only about half of you On Point subscribers received last week's post via email so click here for a link to the Most Versatile Tote Bag Ever!