Well another icy blast has hit Washington, DC...I just got out my lady-sized shovel and saw to the front steps of The Point of It All. Come on, stitchers, it's cozy inside the shop...we've got fresh coffee and hot chocolate and plenty of wonderful canvases! A perfect day for needlepoint if you ask me.
This will be a quick post today (since I need to shovel more). Check out this FABULOUS geometric purse from Mindy!
And here's a close up
I did some decorative stitches...I was going to add little seed beads but I ran out of gas on this project. I love how all the stitches work together to create an interesting pattern but not one that is too overwhelming. Sometimes, I think, stitchers put in too many stitchers and the effect is chaotic. I am a basket weave girl at heart but I do try to branch out every once in a while.
Check out Mindy's canvases by clicking here. Actually when I just went to the website, none of her canvases was showing up but I am inserting this link anyway...hopefully her site will work again soon.
Happy stitching and stay warm,